The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Board of Directors (BOD) selected Minneapolis based firm VJAA for the 2012 AIA Architecture Firm Award. The internationally recognized design firm was noted for their “research into material innovations and digital practice tools.”
“VJAA creates a place and purpose-specific architecture founded on broad societal, technological, and artistic values. Their work eloquently demonstrates the creative possibilities of joining environmental innovation, material exploration, and a thoughtful and economical response to site and program,” stated Andrea Leers, FAIA, of 2007 Firm Award recipient Leers Weinzapfel Associates in her recommendation letter.
The AIA highlighted VJAA’s Charles Hostler Student Center in Beirut, Lebanon and Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life at Tulane University in New Orleans. Leers continues to describe, “In an era frequently characterized by architectural indulgence and excess, VJAA is creating architecture of refinement and restraint.”
Along with AIA Gold Medal winner Steven Holl, VJAA will also be awarded in May at the 2012 AIA National Convention in Washington, D.C.
Reference: AIA